Our Services
We are your trusted partners in mental health. Our practices are dedicated to providing quality care by offering the highest level of service, which is why we have a well-deserved reputation for excellence.
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy is the most common form of counseling. You’ll meet regularly one-on-one with a reliable and relatable therapist to explore your feelings, early life experiences, and any personal difficulties you are currently facing. Individual therapy is a unique process that can support you in the areas of your life where you feel stuck and increase your understanding of the way you engage with the world and with yourself. Our low-cost counseling in San Diego can assist you in developing insight into patterns creating difficulties in your life. Deeper self-knowledge promotes healing, self-esteem, professional development, and can help you move on from what’s been holding you back.
Here are some of the things that Individual Therapy can help you with:
Culture & Marginalization
Grief and loss
Low self-esteem
Difficulty regulating emotions
Struggles with interpersonal relationships
Anger issues
Financial stress
Recovery from trauma
Issues with sex and intimacy
Working through a midlife crisis
Thoughts of suicide or self-harm
Job stress or academic struggles
Overcoming codependency
Recurring life issues that are difficult to change
The need for a safe space to process difficult memories and life experiences
Couples Therapy
Couples therapy is joint counseling for you and your romantic partner. The therapist sees both partners together in order to facilitate healthy communication and to identify harmful patterns of relating in the relationship. Working together with a therapist will help both of you gain a deeper understanding of what the other is going through and to learn to share responsibility for your relationship. If you are experiencing confusion and tension in your relationship, are having issues related to sex, intimacy and fidelity, or would like to deepen your connection to your partner, couples counseling might be right for you.
Couples Counseling
LGBTQIA friendly couples counseling
Marriage Counseling
Premarital Counseling
Joint therapy for those who are separated but considering reuniting
Co-parenting Counseling
Any other non-traditional relationships
Family Therapy
Family Therapy is a unique opportunity for family members to meet together with a skilled and professional therapist to talk through issues creating stress, tension and distance. Families are an important source of support and love. When misunderstanding and disagreement goes unaddressed, frustration and tension pushes families apart. A BCS psychotherapist will help your family explore your unique history and identify troublesome family dynamics to get you back on track. Siblings or parent and child dyads are welcome.
Common challenges experienced in families may include:
Difficulty communicating
Fights over important family decisions
Financial struggles and stressors
Grief/loss of a beloved family member
Divorce or separation
Behavioral issues or academic concerns regarding children
Sibling conflict
Resentment and anger from early childhood
Troubled teens
Substance abuse
Impact of one family member’s mental health issues